Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Quantum Engine

1. Data Collection and Usage

Quantum Engine collects first-party data and customer journey information directly from users and partners. We also use cookies to gather additional data. This information helps us personalize your experience, perform analytics, provide advertising, and generate reports.

2. Data Sharing and Disclosure

Reports are only shared with the data owner. We provide overall segment user counts to advertisers without specific details. Data may be shared within our organization through direct access or integrations.

3. Data Security

Quantum Engine takes data security seriously. We use encryption, access controls, and conduct regular security audits to protect your information. In case of a data breach, we have procedures to address and resolve the issue.

4. User Rights

You have the right to request to correct or delete your data.

5. Cookies and Tracking

We use cookies and first-party data to track customer journeys and generate reports. You must manage handling the end user acceptance  or opt out of cookie tracking.

6. Updates and Changes

We will notify you of any changes to this privacy policy and our terms and conditions via email or through our platform. You can provide feedback or express concerns about these changes through our customer support team.
